Below are the questions gathered from our drop-in session on the 8th and 9th February and the response from Westbourne Community Trust. We have grouped them into themes and all the original Post Its can be seen in our new gallery.

Provision of improved open space and play equipment

The replacement equipment should include things for older children.

Agreed. We will work towards providing that kind of equipment.

A youth club is needed in the village.

We are not currently proposing such a facility but it may be possible to include this idea when we work on establishing a Community Hub within the village, which is another of our proposals.

A football pitch or a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) should be provided.

Agreed. we would like to include some kind of football or hard court facilities within our replacement play equipment

The school should be fully involved in the new open space and housing should not be occupied until the new open space facilities are available.

Agreed. We have already met with the Headteacher and confirmed that we would like to involve school children in the design of proposals for the new open space.  We also intend to include an access gate from the school into the park which is what the school have asked for.

Where will the park be and who will it cater for?

We only need to use about a third of the existing area of the park for the housing scheme. Most of the park will be retained where it is. We will be working on te design later this year and will continue to consult and involve the community about these proposals.

Sites for housing development in Westbourne

Developing small market housing sites and expanding the village would be better than losing existing small open spaces.

There are only two market sites currently proposed in the Neighbourhood Plan and Chichester Local Plan. These sites are too small to deliver any affordable housing. The view of the Parish Council, the District Council and many residents of Westbourne is that there is currently no scope for the release of any additional open land for larger residential development around the edge of the village.

There will always be a need for affordable housing so how will developing this site protect the village from further development.

The Parish Council and Westbourne Community Trust have been collaborating with Chichester District Council on the Review of the Chichester Local Plan Review 2035, which is currently being prepared.  On the basis that the Trust is taking steps to tackle the clear need for affordable housing in Westbourne as established in the Housing Needs Survey of October 2018, it has been agreed that, during the period up to 2035, there is no need for additional housing within the Parish. The Local Plan Review is still to be finalised but at present, it would seem that, on the basis of our consultation with CDC, we will not suffer from additional new large scale housing development.

It is good to see more houses in the village we have to do our bit for future generations.

Agreed. There is a clear need for small-scale affordable housing in Westbourne as identified in the recent Housing Needs Survey.

Parking and Traffic in Mill Road

The new houses will create more traffic and parking how will this be managed?

Agreed.  The Trust accepts that this is an issue that requires some action. We are working with Chichester District Council, West Sussex County Council and Hyde Housing Association to see if we can include some significant improvements to parking and congestion problems on Mill Road.

If car parking space is provided along Mill Road there will be a need for speed bumps to slow down traffic.

We will think about this issue in relation to the design of any proposals that we can bring forward for improved parking on Mill Road.

Emergency vehicles will not get through because of congestion on Mill Road.

As above, we acknowledge the need to try and find solutions for this problem.

How will construction/delivery vehicles get through Mill Road to the site?

The access to the site for construction purposes will need to be carefully managed.  The proposals above in queries 9, 10 and 11 are all part of the same concern and the Trust accepts that work is needed on this issue.

Mill Road surface needs significant improvement including better drainage, improved foundations for the road surface, street lighting and utilities.

Again the Trust is aware of these issues. The responsibility lies with the West Sussex CC as the Highway Authority. We have already secured improvements to the problems of potholes by referring residents’ complaints on this issue to WSCC. This is only a temporary solution and we will continue to work on this problem.

Can Mill Road properties have access from the rear via the park?

This is not likely to be achievable in terms of vehicle access. It would result in a significant loss of open space to construct an access road. 

Funding, Maintaining and Managing the new housing

How will WCT check and control future occupiers?

The Trust will retain ownership and full control over who occupies the houses.  We will have an allocations policy that ensures that only local people or those with a very close family connection to Westbourne are eligible.

Will the houses be kept for local working people?

The Trust will not limit occupation to those who are in employment but, as above, will have a local allocations policy.

How will the houses be maintained and managed?

The Trust will be responsible for maintenance and management. It is probable that this will be undertaken under a contract to a competent company but no decisions on this have yet been taken.

Where is the funding coming from to build the houses?

The Trust will apply for funding from Government, Chichester District Council and other charitable sources to fund the scheme.  We will also have the ability to borrow money if that should be necessary.

What provision will there be for carers looking after elderly parents?

The Trust will be considerate to this need but at present there are no policies to cover this situation.  We will think about this issue when developing our allocations policy.

What will the rent be for these houses?

The rental levels have not yet been established and cannot be determined until we know the full costs of the work. We do intend, however, that the rent will be affordable and comparable to social rents from a Housing Association for similar sized houses.

Westbourne Social Club

Can the WCT get more involved in the Westbourne Social Club making it more useable by the whole village?

The Westbourne Social Club is an entirely independent and separate organisation from Westbourne Community Trust.  We would only become involved in the Social Club if the Trustees of the Club invite us to take an interest.  So far there has not been any such invitation but WCT is willing and able to get involved if asked.

Who holds the Westbourne Social Club trustees to account and could it become part of WCT?

This can best be answered by the Trustees of the Westbourne Social Club. As to involvement of WCT, see comments above.

The allotments and the proposed toilet facility

Who will manage and maintain the security of proposed toilet facilities for the Allotment Association?

WCT has offered to provide the Allotment Association with a storage building and a toilet for their use if the Association would like this.  We have discussed the offer with representatives of the Allotment Association and they are considering the position.  If we do provide a toilet it will be the responsibility of the Allotment Association to manage and maintain it.

Can the Allotments have improved boundary fencing?

We would be willing to provide a new fence alongside the boundary to the Park as part of our proposals.

Parking for Business in Westbourne

Westbourne businesses need better parking in the village.

Agreed. The Trust is willing to look at options for new parking for the village in due course. It has already been included as an objective in our vision for the Village


Can CCTV be provided to identify problems?

This is not proposed by the Trust. However, the provision of the new housing will certainly improve security within the Park and the Allotments as a result of having new houses overlooking the area.

Your questions answered

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