One of the most important parts of setting up a community land trust is the process of identifying a site that we can build our community owned and affordable houses. Luckily for us, a comprehensive and systematic analysis of land for housing in Westbourne has already been undertaken by the Parish Council as part of the work for the Neighbourhood Plan. So, with the support of the Parish Council we have looked again at this work and reviewed all the sites that were identified with potential for housing at that time.

To refresh everyone’s memory, below is a link to the Neighbourhood Plan site assessment and a list with updates provided by the Trust, as to their suitability for affordable housing. We welcome any comments emailed to us through our contact page or left in the comment section below (please note that the comment section is moderated so you comments will not be displayed instantly).

Neighbourhood Plan site assessment

1 – West of Monk’s Hill

As this site has already been put forward for 6 market dwellings under the NP, there is no further scope for affordable housing.

2 – Long Copse Lane

This site has already been put forward for 16 market dwellings under the NP, there is no further scope for affordable housing.

3 – Ellesmere Orchard

This site has now been granted permission for development and is therefore unavailable for affordable housing.

4 – Rear of 30-56 Mill Road

If a site specific Flood Risk Assessment shows that this site could be safely developed there is scope for the provision of 10 – 12 affordable housing units, as a possible exception site, as well as providing an improved playground.

5 – Deep Springs, Foxbury Lane

Whilst development of this site would be contrary to the CDC Local Plan, it may have potential as an exception site. However, it would probably only have capacity for 4 units of affordable housing. It is unknown whether the landowner would be prepared to sell the land for affordable housing development.

6 – Gosmore, The Square

Although development of this site would be contrary to the CDC Local Plan, it may have potential as an exception site, if it passes a site specific Flood Risk Assessment. However, it would only have capacity for 4 units of affordable housing. It is unknown whether the landowner would be prepared to sell the land for affordable housing development.

7 – Site adjacent to Chantry Hall

As this site has already been put forward for 6 market dwellings under the NP, there is no further scope for affordable housing.

8 – Land North of Cemetery Lane

This greenfield site does not comply with the NPPF, which seeks to protect countryside for its own sake, and would also be contrary to CDC Local Plan. Further there are access problems so on balance there is little scope for affordable housing.

9 – Woodmancote Farmhouse

Whilst development of this site would be contrary to the CDC Local Plan, it may have potential as an exception site. However, it would probably only have capacity for 4 units of affordable housing. It is unknown whether the landowner would be prepared to sell the land for affordable housing development.

10 – Land rear of Parish Hall

Whilst development of this site would be contrary to the CDC Local Plan, it may have potential as an exception site, if it passes a site specific Flood Risk Assessment. However, it would probably only have capacity for 3 units of affordable housing. It is unknown whether the landowner would be prepared to sell the land for affordable housing development.

11 – Follyfoot Stable, Cemetery Lane

This greenfield site does not comply with the NPPF, which seeks to protect countryside for its own sake, and would also be contrary to CDC Local Plan. Further there are access problems so on balance there is little scope for affordable housing.

12 – St Lawrence, Duffield Lane

Whilst development of this site would be contrary to the CDC Local Plan, it may have potential as an exception site. However, it would only have capacity for 1 unit of affordable housing. It is unknown whether the landowner would be prepared to sell the land for affordable housing development.

13 – Land at South Lane Farm

Whilst this site could provide 8-12 commercial business starter spaces, its development would not comply with the NPPF, which seeks to protect countryside for its own sake, and would be contrary to the CLPKP. However it may have potential as an exception site.

14 – Land north of Mill Lane

Whilst development of this site would be contrary to the CDC Local Plan, it may have potential as an exception site, if it passes a site specific Flood Risk Assessment. However, it would probably only have capacity for 1 unit of affordable housing. It is unknown whether the landowner would be prepared to sell the land for affordable housing development.

15 – Land south of Mill Lane

This greenfield site does not comply with the NPPF, which seeks to protect countryside for its own sake, and would also be contrary to CDC Local Plan. It may have potential as an exception site. However, it would only have capacity for 4 units of affordable housing. A recent planning application, and subsequent appeal, were refused. There are also access problems, so on balance there is little scope for affordable housing. It is unknown whether the landowner would be prepared to sell the land for affordable housing development.

16 – Mill Meadows Farm

This site has now been granted permission for development and is therefore now unavailable for affordable housing.

In addition to focusing on these sites, the Trust would be very keen to hear about any other suitable sites for affordable housing that Westbourne residents would like us to consider. If you are aware of any potential sites please contact us.

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